#include #include #include #include /***** Program to print info from a GE image header ******/ /***** Compilation: cc -o ge_header ge_header.c -lm ******/ /***** RWCox - 04 Dec 2001 ******/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void swap_4(void *ppp) { unsigned char *pntr = (unsigned char *) ppp ; unsigned char b0, b1, b2, b3; b0 = *pntr; b1 = *(pntr+1); b2 = *(pntr+2); b3 = *(pntr+3); *pntr = b3; *(pntr+1) = b2; *(pntr+2) = b1; *(pntr+3) = b0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void swap_8(void *ppp) { unsigned char *pntr = (unsigned char *) ppp ; unsigned char b0, b1, b2, b3; unsigned char b4, b5, b6, b7; b0 = *pntr ; b1 = *(pntr+1); b2 = *(pntr+2); b3 = *(pntr+3); b4 = *(pntr+4); b5 = *(pntr+5); b6 = *(pntr+6); b7 = *(pntr+7); *pntr = b7; *(pntr+1) = b6; *(pntr+2) = b5; *(pntr+3) = b4; *(pntr+4) = b3; *(pntr+5) = b2; *(pntr+6) = b1; *(pntr+7) = b0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void swap_2(void *ppp) { unsigned char *pntr = (unsigned char *) ppp ; unsigned char b0, b1; b0 = *pntr; b1 = *(pntr+1); *pntr = b1; *(pntr+1) = b0; } /******************************************************************/ int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) { FILE *imfile ; int length , skip , swap=0 , gg ; char orients[8] , str[8] ; int nx , ny , bpp , cflag , hdroff , verb=0 , iarg=1 ; /*------ help? ------*/ if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){ printf("Usage: ge_header [-verb] file ...\n" "Prints out information from the GE image header of each file.\n" "Options:\n" " -verb: Print out some probably useless extra stuff.\n" ) ; exit(0) ; } if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){ verb++ ; iarg++ ; } if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){ verb++ ; iarg++ ; } /*----- loop over input files -----*/ for( gg=iarg ; gg < argc ; gg++ ){ imfile = fopen( argv[gg] , "r" ) ; if( imfile == NULL ){ printf("-----------------------------------\n" "Can't open file %s\n" , argv[gg] ) ; continue ; /* skip to next file */ } fseek( imfile , 0L , SEEK_END ) ; /* get the length of the file */ length = ftell( imfile ) ; /* (the AJ way) */ if( length < 1024 ){ printf("-----------------------------------\n" "File %s is too short to be an image\n" , argv[gg] ) ; fclose(imfile) ; continue ; } /*--- 03 Dec 2001: check for GEMS format file "IMGF" ---*/ /*[[[ Information herein from Medical Image Format FAQ ]]]*/ strcpy(str,"JUNK") ; /* initialize string */ rewind(imfile) ; fread(str,1,4,imfile) ; /* check for "IMGF" at start of file */ if( str[0]=='I' && str[1]=='M' && str[2]=='G' && str[3]=='F' ){ /* good */ /*-- read next 5 ints (after the "IMGF" string) --*/ fread( &skip , 4,1, imfile ) ; /* offset into file of image data */ fread( &nx , 4,1, imfile ) ; /* x-size */ fread( &ny , 4,1, imfile ) ; /* y-size */ fread( &bpp , 4,1, imfile ) ; /* bits per pixel (should be 16) */ fread( &cflag, 4,1, imfile ) ; /* compression flag (1=uncompressed)*/ /*-- check if nx is funny --*/ if( nx < 0 || nx > 8192 ){ /* have to byte swap these 5 ints */ swap = 1 ; /* flag to swap data, too */ swap_4(&skip); swap_4(&nx); swap_4(&ny); swap_4(&bpp); swap_4(&cflag); if( nx < 0 || nx > 8192 || ny < 0 || ny > 8192 ){ printf("-----------------------------------\n" "File %s: illegal nx hand/or ny in header\n" , argv[gg] ) ; fclose(imfile) ; continue ; } } else { swap = 0 ; /* data is ordered for this CPU */ } printf("-----------------------------------\n" "File %s\n" " nx=%d ny=%d skip=%d swap=%s compressed=%s bits-per-pixel=%d\n", argv[gg] , nx , ny , skip , (swap) ? "YES" : "NO" , (cflag==1) ? "NO" : "YES" , bpp ) ; /*-- try to read image header data as well --*/ length = fseek( imfile , 148L , SEEK_SET ) ; /* magic GEMS offset */ if( length == 0 ){ /* seek was good */ fread( &hdroff , 4,1 , imfile ) ; /* location of image header */ if( swap ) swap_4(&hdroff) ; if( hdroff > 0 ){ /* read from image header */ float dx,dy,dz, xyz[9], xx,yy,zz, tr ; int itr, ii,jj,kk ; /*-- get voxel grid sizes --*/ fseek( imfile , hdroff+26 , SEEK_SET ) ; /* dz */ fread( &dz , 4,1 , imfile ) ; fseek( imfile , hdroff+50 , SEEK_SET ) ; /* dx and dy */ fread( &dx , 4,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &dy , 4,1 , imfile ) ; if( swap ){ swap_4(&dx); swap_4(&dy); swap_4(&dz); } printf(" dx=%g dy=%g dz=%g" , dx,dy,dz ) ; /* grid orientation: from 3 sets of LPI corner coordinates: */ /* xyz[0..2] = top left hand corner of image (TLHC) */ /* xyz[3..5] = top right hand corner of image (TRHC) */ /* xyz[6..8] = bottom right hand corner of image (BRHC) */ /* GEMS coordinate orientation here is LPI */ fseek( imfile , hdroff+154 , SEEK_SET ) ; /* another magic number */ fread( xyz , 4,9 , imfile ) ; if( swap ){ swap_4(xyz+0); swap_4(xyz+1); swap_4(xyz+2); swap_4(xyz+3); swap_4(xyz+4); swap_4(xyz+5); swap_4(xyz+6); swap_4(xyz+7); swap_4(xyz+8); } /* x-axis orientation */ /* ii determines which spatial direction is x-axis */ /* and is the direction that has the biggest change */ /* between the TLHC and TRHC */ dx = fabs(xyz[3]-xyz[0]) ; ii = 1 ; dy = fabs(xyz[4]-xyz[1]) ; if( dy > dx ){ ii=2; dx=dy; } dz = fabs(xyz[5]-xyz[2]) ; if( dz > dx ){ ii=3; } dx = xyz[ii+2]-xyz[ii-1] ; if( dx < 0. ){ ii = -ii; } switch( ii ){ case 1: orients[0]= 'L'; orients[1]= 'R'; break; /* Left to Right */ case -1: orients[0]= 'R'; orients[1]= 'L'; break; /* Right to Left */ case 2: orients[0]= 'P'; orients[1]= 'A'; break; /* Posterior to Anterior */ case -2: orients[0]= 'A'; orients[1]= 'P'; break; /* Anterior to Posterior */ case 3: orients[0]= 'I'; orients[1]= 'S'; break; /* Inferior to Superior */ case -3: orients[0]= 'S'; orients[1]= 'I'; break; /* Superior to Inferior */ default: orients[0]='\0'; orients[1]='\0'; break; /* should never happen */ } /* y-axis orientation */ /* jj determines which spatial direction is y-axis */ /* and is the direction that has the biggest change */ /* between the BRHC and TRHC */ dx = fabs(xyz[6]-xyz[3]) ; jj = 1 ; dy = fabs(xyz[7]-xyz[4]) ; if( dy > dx ){ jj=2; dx=dy; } dz = fabs(xyz[8]-xyz[5]) ; if( dz > dx ){ jj=3; } dx = xyz[jj+5]-xyz[jj+2] ; if( dx < 0. ){ jj = -jj; } switch( jj ){ case 1: orients[2] = 'L'; orients[3] = 'R'; break; case -1: orients[2] = 'R'; orients[3] = 'L'; break; case 2: orients[2] = 'P'; orients[3] = 'A'; break; case -2: orients[2] = 'A'; orients[3] = 'P'; break; case 3: orients[2] = 'I'; orients[3] = 'S'; break; case -3: orients[2] = 'S'; orients[3] = 'I'; break; default: orients[2] ='\0'; orients[3] ='\0'; break; } orients[4] = '\0' ; /* terminate orientation string */ kk = 6 - abs(ii)-abs(jj) ; /* which spatial direction is z-axis */ /* where 1=LR, 2=PA, 3=IS */ /* (can't tell orientation from 1 slice) */ zz = xyz[kk-1] ; /* z-coordinate of this slice */ xx = xyz[abs(ii)-1] ; yy = xyz[abs(jj)-1] ; printf(" zoff=%g orient=%s xoff=%g yoff=%g", zz,orients,xx,yy ) ; /*-- get TR in seconds --*/ fseek( imfile , hdroff+194 , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( &itr , 4,1 , imfile ) ; /* note itr is an int */ if( swap ) swap_4(&itr) ; tr = 1.0e-6 * itr ; /* itr is in microsec */ printf(" TR=%gs",tr) ; /*-- get TE in milliseconds --*/ fseek( imfile , hdroff+202 , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( &itr , 4,1 , imfile ) ; /* itr is an int, in microsec */ if( swap ) swap_4(&itr) ; printf(" TE=%gms",1.0e-3*itr) ; /*-- end of image header printouts --*/ printf("\n") ; /*-- verbosity? --*/ if( verb ) printf(" TLHC= %g %g %g\n" " TRHC= %g %g %g\n" " BRHC= %g %g %g\n" , xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],xyz[3],xyz[4],xyz[5],xyz[6],xyz[7],xyz[8] ) ; /*-- date/time stamp */ if( verb ){ int dt1 , dt2 ; short in1,in2 ; fseek( imfile , hdroff+10 , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( &in1 , 2,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &in2 , 2,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &dt1 , 4,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &dt2 , 4,1 , imfile ) ; if( swap ){ swap_4(&dt1);swap_4(&dt2);swap_2(&in1);swap_2(&in2); } printf(" image date/time stamps=%d,%d series#=%d im#=%d\n",dt1,dt2,in1,in2) ; } /* end of philately */ } /* end of actually reading image header */ } /* end of trying to read image header */ /* maybe read series header */ if( verb > 1 ){ int dt1 , dt2 ; short in1,in2 ; fseek( imfile , 140L , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( &hdroff , 4,1 , imfile ) ; /* location of series header */ if( swap ) swap_4(&hdroff) ; if( hdroff > 0 ){ fseek( imfile , hdroff+10 , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( &in1 , 2,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &dt1 , 4,1 , imfile ) ; fread( &dt2 , 4,1 , imfile ) ; if( swap ){ swap_4(&dt1);swap_4(&dt2);swap_2(&in1); } printf(" series date/time stamps=%d,%d series#=%d\n",dt1,dt2,in1) ; } } /* end of series header */ /***************************************************************** To actually read image data, do something like this: int npix=nx*ny , nb=bpp/8 ; data = malloc(nb*npix) ; fseek( imfile , skip , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( data , 1 , nb*npix , imfile ) ; if( swap ){ switch( nb ){ case 2: swap_twobytes ( npix , data ); break; case 4: swap_fourbytes( npix , data ); break; } } The latter 2 swap functions are in mri_swapbytes.c ******************************************************************/ } else { /*-------------- not a GEMS file --------------*/ printf("-----------------------------------\n" "File %s is not a GE image file [doesn't start with IMGF]\n" , argv[gg] ) ; } fclose(imfile) ; /* done with this file */ } /* end of loop over input files */ exit(0) ; }